Tv Review I Don Feel at Home in This World Anymore

I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore is a dark comedy/criminal offence thiller written and directed by indie actor Macon Blair in his directorial debut. The motion-picture show stars Melanie Lynskey and Elijah Wood as Ruth and Tony, two loners who decide to strike back at the general indecency of the earth after Ruth's home is burglarized.

The pic premiered on Netflix in February, 2017.

Tropes include:

  • Accidental Aiming Skills: Tony is just terrible with his throwing stars, so when he gets 1 lodged in Dez face in the finale, he'due south the most surprised person in the room.
  • Animal Assassin: Ruth kills Marshall by knocking him into a pond, where he is bitten to expiry by a h2o moccasin serpent that Ruth herself had narrowly avoided earlier.
  • Anti-Climax Boss: Invoked. After existence set equally a creepy and unsafe threat, Christian Jr. is the get-go of the crooks to dice when his try at intimidating Ruth backfires and leads to his windpipe existence accidentally crushed and his torso being flattened by a bus within minutes.
  • Asshole Victim: All three of the crooks and Christian Rumack Sr.
  • Bavarian Fire Drill: Christian Jr. enters a party and starts robbing the house, despite being in his early 20s, conspicuously looking out of place and anybody else beingness center-anile. He gets caught out, but by then, just punches his way out of information technology.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Tony comes in with a throwing star, which he chucks at Dez' face.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Tony is quite an eccentric grapheme, to say the least. He seems to be aware of this, as he admits at ane point that he often has his head and then far upwardly in the clouds that he neglects to pay attention to his surroundings.
  • Crapsack Earth: A major theme of the film is Ruth's growing perception that life is pointless and anybody is a jerk.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Each of the 3 crooks. Christian Jr. has his windpipe crushed past Ruth and gets striking by a double-decker when he attempts to flee. Dez gets a ninja star to the face, her paw diddled off later on her gun misfires and is killed by a ricocheting bullet to the head. Finally, Marshall gets a venomous serpent bite to the face and spends his last scene itch in a swamp and dying a slow decease.
  • Don't You Cartel Pity Me!: While he'south in the middle of a heated argument with Ruth, Detective Bendix suddenly starts sobbing uncontrollably, much to her bewilderment. He and then admits that his wife wants a divorce, which is why he'due south been interim so abrasively lately. However, when Ruth expresses 18-carat sympathy for his plight, he rejects her attempts to console him and tells her to go out.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: Despite all the violence and deaths throughout the story, the surviving characters all receive some kind of happy ending: Meredith escapes the shootout at the Rumack mansion unharmed and doesn't report Ruth to the police force out of gratefulness for saving her life, Detective Bendix' wife decides to give their marriage some other chance, Tony survives his injuries and stays friends with Ruth, and Ruth herself has finally regained her belief that in that location is some good in the globe.
  • Fifty-fifty Bad Men Love Their Mamas: The arms dealer who sells Marshall the sawed-off decks him afterward for making a Your Mom joke at him.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Despite the obvious estrangement and animosity between the two Christian Sr. actually seems pretty heartbroken when Marshall tells him Christian Jr. is dead. Additionally, Marshall sobs and kisses Dez on the head when he realizes she's expressionless.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Expert: When Ruth confronts Christian Sr. about his son'south criminal behavior, he just shrugs it off and apathetically asks her how much she wants as compensation for the damage. He's visibly confused when Ruth tells him that she is not interested in money — she but wants Christian Jr. to apologize for what he has done.
  • Extremely Short Timespan: Takes place over 2 days: the day of the burglary and the day later on.
  • Fakeout Makeout: Tony suggests it when he and Ruth are on the flea market, searching for fence's stand.
  • Fingore:
    • Ruth'southward finger gets broken in a scuffle and spends the rest of the picture show in a splint.
    • During the climax, Dez mutilates Chris Sr.'s hand with her shotgun, only to suffer the same fate soon afterwards when the aforementioned gun misfires and explodes in her hands.
  • Strange Civilization Fetish: Tony is manifestly a big fan of Asian martial arts, given his ownership of "nunchaku" and throwing stars equally well as his strict observance of their correct names and countries of origin.
  • Hoist by His Ain Petard: Dez blasts off her fingers with her own shotgun thanks to a weapons malfunction.
  • Hollywood Hacking: Parodied. Tony is revealed as utterly clueless about information technology, barely being able to apply a browser in the start place. He still manages to track the van... after Ruth gives her credit card number and pays a fee at some shady site.
  • Impersonating an Officer: To track downwardly the burglars, Ruth and Tony somewhen get themselves to Christian'due south house, by flashing a cereal box toy badge to Inferior'due south footstep-mom. She seems to purchase into their act and invites them in, offering a chat and coffee. When Christian Sr. gets within, it's revealed she knew they weren't police, merely is so bored, she still went with information technology anyway.
  • Improvised Weapon: Ruth ends up wielding the bag with the footprint show confronting Christian Jr., who made the footprint to begin with, and crushes his windpipe with information technology by fault.
  • Jerkass: Christian Rumack Sr. is a cynical, alcoholic jerk who doesn't care nearly his married woman and son, and viciously mocks Ruth'southward idealistic worldview. Ruth comments that it'southward like shooting fish in a barrel to run into how his son turned out the mode he did.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: While he's interim out his failing spousal relationship, Detective Bendix is admittedly right for calling out Ruth on her vigilantism, snooping effectually and selfish nature - forth with mentioning she could avoid all that trouble if she only kept her doors locked when not dwelling.
  • Kicking the Domestic dog: Christian Jr. is introduced giving the house he'southward robbing an upperdecker, later on shitting into the flush tank. This establishes that he's not only a thief, he's an asshole as well.
  • Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation-Guided Karma: After shooting autonomously Chris Sr.'south manus, Dez gets her own hand diddled to $.25 when her gun backfires.
  • Lethally Stupid: The trio of criminals is shown repeatedly as being admittedly incapable of thinking about consequences of their actions. Which is also what makes them so unsafe to just be around - non to mention being their target.
  • Long Title
  • Meet Beautiful: Subverted. Early in the moving picture Ruth sits a bar reading a fantasy novel. A man (played by Director Macon Blair) walks upwardly to the bar and sparks a conversation with her revealing that he is a fan of the book. The two commencement to bond earlier the man nonchalantly spoils an important plot bespeak, collects his beer order and returns to his friends.
  • Misplaced Wild fauna: The ophidian is a Cottonmouth which is native only to the Southeast United States and wouldn't be constitute in the wild within 1500 miles of Oregon. Still Kudos to the filmmakers for fugitive the usual cliché of having the snake loudly hiss, rattle, or use a harmless snake and pretend it's a venomous one.
  • Mood Whiplash:
    • A major source of the humor in the motion-picture show, starting when Ruth and Tony are staking out the suspected burglars, who she's witnessed shooting a watermelon apart and being rowdy about it. Cut to Tony's dog in the back seat.
    • The majority of the motion picture plays out equally a Black One-act, and the violence is generally Played for Laughs. This changes drastically once the story reaches its climax, at which signal it turns into a deadly serious crime thriller, culminating in an extremely gory shootout and an intense chase scene.
  • No Social Skills: Both Ruth and Tony lack whatsoever sort of social skills whatsoever, to almost dangerous levels. The crooks they are post-obit aren't much ameliorate at this, either, but that's another story entirely.
  • Pet the Domestic dog: Tony is introduced every bit the kickoff person to show whatever remorse for his thoughtless action. He apologizes and picks upward the canis familiaris poop.
  • Law Are Useless: The law repeatedly refuse to aid Ruth and dismiss everything she says, causing her to take the police into her own hands; which they also criticize afterwards she comes to them with show most the iii burglars.
  • Racist Grandma: An elderly woman Ruth tends to makes vulgar and racist remarks most black protesters on Tv but before she dies. Ruth and then has to tactfully lie when the patient's son asks what her last words were.
  • "The Reason Yous Suck" Speech communication: Detective Bendix delivers one to Ruth when she accuses him of not doing his task properly, telling her with Brutal Honesty that the universe doesn't circumduct around her, that she wouldn't take to worry nearly the burglary if she had only locked her door, and that he has to deal with far worse crimes than the theft of some silverware. Particularly since she retrieved it herself.
  • Red Herring: The locator app leads Ruth not to the actual burglars, merely the people who bought her laptop from a fence.
  • Reliably Unreliable Guns: The antiquated, half-rusted sawed-off shotgun predictably misfires in the worst moment possible. And takes Dez's hands with it.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The Rumacks' habitation includes a "Walden Pond room." Accordingly plenty, they live lakeside.
    • Meredith compares her stepson Christian Jr. to Damien from The Omen.
  • Skewed Priorities: Tony sees nothing incorrect with vigilante justice, fifty-fifty if it includes threatening people with lethal weapons and kick an old man in the head, but believes that Ruth has gone also far when she steals a garden sculpture from Christian Rumack Sr. as revenge for ridiculing her.
  • Straw Nihilist:
    • Ruth'south frustration with what she sees as a vicious and uncaring world causes her to adopt the view that life is meaningless and at that place'south no apply in trying to be a moral person, which is why she decides to go higher up the law and avenge herself on those who she believes to have wronged her. Ultimately subverted, every bit it becomes clear over the form of the story that despite her nihilistic platitudes, she is still a fundamentally practiced person and doesn't intend to seriously harm anyone.
    • The trope is played straight, however, with Christian Rumack Sr., who seems to apply his extremely cynical view of the earth as a justification for his own immoral beliefs.
  • Stupid Crooks: Marshall, Dez and Christian Jr. are remarkably inept crooks and are told so to their face, though they are no less dangerous. This leads to rummaging through entire stack of bonds and ignoring them, in search for cash, but also brutally and without any hesitation killing people that are in their way. Information technology'south made clear throughout the story they are outright too dumb to consider consequences of their actions, making the situation far more dangerous than it really is.
  • Sunglasses at Night: One of the arms dealer's friends, who's even nicknamed "Sunglasses at Night" in the credits.
  • Tap on the Head: Dez KOs Ruth when she and Marshall spot her calling the cops later Christian Jr.'s death. Notably, Ruth ends up with open wound in her forehead and is clearly not ok when she regains consciousness.
  • Tattooed Crook: Marshall sports tattoos, a few of which he'southward done himself. Ruth says they wait stupid. Dez takes information technology a step farther, having tattoos on her brow.
  • Trophy Wife: Meredith is heavily implied to be i, because that she is stated to exist Chris Sr.'s second married woman and looks noticeably younger and more attractive than him. The fact that he leaves her lone at the mansion for nigh of the day and outright ignores her when he is at home makes it quite obvious that he married her because of her good looks rather than her personality.
  • Vomit Indiscretion Shot: Ruth vomits violently after Dez shoots off most of Christian Sr.'s fingers with her shotgun.
  • Your Mom: Marshall delivers such a joke to the arms dealer. After the deal is washed, he gets slugged for information technology.


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