what happens to your sperm if you masturbate a lot

Your sexual energy is the greatest and most potent course of energy available to you.

You can either squander it or utilize it to its fullest potential and let it supercharge your life.

Anecdotal show and emerging studies suggest that having fewer orgasms could make you into a more productive, driven, and loving man.

You know that movie Limitless? The main character has admission to a magical drug that makes him ameliorate on every level… If there was always something comparable in real life, harnessing your sexual free energy would be it.

How It Works

Equally many men know, sexual energy can be a powerful, all-encompassing beast.

Semen retentiveness is something that high-level professional athletes have adept for a long fourth dimension. Exercise yous think Tyson would have bit Holyfield's ear off if he had masturbated right before the fight? I seriously incertitude information technology.

The number i biologically hard-wired task that all mammals seek is reproduction. If your body thinks that you are already doing fine in the sex category (because you are ejaculating often), then it doesn't stay motivated to conquer life/accumulate resources/get a mate/etc.

By refraining from ejaculating for a lengthier menstruation of time, your testosterone (i.eastward. assailment) levels go a boost and you lot're more probable to dominate whatsoever task you're tackling.

In that location is a drop in testosterone levels immediately post-obit an ejaculation which makes your mojo drop. Testosterone is present in both men and women and is largely responsible for sexual desire and aggression.

You've likely felt the unique sense of numbness that permeates your heed after ejaculating. Now imagine that numbness encompassing your daily mental state as a result of indulging in ejaculation too frequently.

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Exclusive Content - For Men Only

Do You Want To Last Longer In Bed, Get Hard On Control And Give Your Woman Multiple Orgasms?

If then, you need to watch this video I just made where I show you the sexual techniques women have been *begging* me to teach men…

You'll larn
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– How to go hard on command… even if you're 70 years old or addicted to porn
– The three types of orgasms women accept and how to create them.

And more.

If y'all've always wanted to 'level up your sexual game,' this is your chance.

Check it out while it's still available.

What Are The Benefits?

Y'all'll need some encouragement if you lot're going to actually give this a fair shake.

The benefits of refraining from frequent ejaculation that have been proven scientifically – more energy, better concentration, interacting with potential mates more hands, greater gains from workouts, stronger erections, return to healthier sexual tastes (aka do away with porn), deeper voices, and more optimism.

The benefits that I take seen and felt personally – greater focus, massively increased productivity, greater appreciation for "real" women (aka not porn), more than sexually polarized intercourse with my partner, and greater depth, connectedness, and love for the adult female in my life.

To put information technology bluntly, you feel like Superman (or at least the best and most masculine version of yourself that you have ever been). If y'all are withal reading this far in the article, I would strongly suggest you lot requite this experiment a try, if only for a week.

How To Harness Your Sexual Energy (Action Steps)

If you think of your sexual want like a burning burn down, your best results will come when you continue to engage in sex (solo or with a partner/others) while refraining from orgasm. You lot want to be revving upwardly your internal engine without blowing a gasket.

Here is the procedure that my clients have consistently found to exist the easiest way to transition into harnessing their sexual energy.

1. Commit to trying information technology.

This doesn't take to be a forever thing if you don't bask it. Just give information technology a week and come across what happens.

2. Take the commencement 2-three days off completely from ejaculating.

Don't masturbate, don't have sex activity, remove all of the stressors that you lot tin can from your life, slumber well, and generally accept good care of yourself. This will help you lot go you away from masturbating simply because you think yous should, and assist y'all get back to becoming enlightened of your body (like to how people eat food because "It's noon and therefore, lunchtime," as opposed to eating when actually hungry). A lot of this process is about re-sensitizing your heed to your sexual self.

3. Somewhere between the 3-7 day mark begin to cocky-pleasure once again

… but keep a healthy distance away from the orgasmic betoken of no return. If you retrieve of your sexual arousal on a scale of ane to 10, practice intentionally ascent and falling your arousal between the four-eight range while engaging sexually with or without a partner. Doing this will not merely stoke your sexual fires, but it will go you more comfortable with realizing where your ejaculatory 'bespeak of no return' is to prevent you from premature ejaculation with your partner.

four. Continue past the one calendar week mark

… and every fourth dimension you feel a actually overwhelming urge to come, channel the energy into something productive. Get to the gym, go for a run, meditate, or do something artistic. Redirect the energy into something that benefits you.

5. In the winter/colder months aim for one or two ejaculations per month

… and in the summer (when Taoists believed that your 'jin' masculine life force was strongest) aim for two to three ejaculations per month at nigh.

It's that simple. Go along to feel sexual pleasure, take fewer orgasms, gain mental clarity, and be able to open your woman more fully.

Equally some other side do good, the more sexual energy you lot accept to utilize in your sexual activity life, the more you volition want to make your partner achieve orgasm. The more than you make them orgasm, the more testosterone spikes you get. The awesomeness just never ends.

Problem Shooting

Worried about the 'use it or lose it' philosophy? Glands do not need to exist exercised similar muscles do. If y'all actually want to encounter where your sexual body clock is at, think about the frequency of how frequently you have wet dreams (aka nocturnal emissions for you science people). The gap between having two moisture dreams is how ofttimes your glands need to ejaculate (at to the lowest degree that's what they retrieve right now since you've trained them to a sure frequency of emissions already). In terms of erectile strength, I accept had clients report feeling like their penis had grown somewhat from how much they were inhabiting their cock more fully.

In a relationship and not sure most how your partner will have your new experiment? Make sure that she feels similar she is a function of the process with you. Tell her that information technology isn't something that you lot want to do to put distance between the 2 of you, just rather, to bring you closer together. Of course, any conversation that goes, "I want to orgasm less, so I can make you orgasm more, and be more than happy and productive in the procedure" should be adequately well received.

Terminal note, this entire post is unlike for men and women. I've already alluded to it briefly up higher up, but studies take shown that men benefit from having fewer orgasms, while women'south happiness/productivity/inventiveness benefits from having more than orgasms. And then if you accept a partner, don't slack while you lot are refraining. Make your women come, and come again. Requite her all of the orgasms that you both would take had and so some.

Finishing Upward

Take the challenge. Refrain from ejaculation for a week and see what happens.

Worst case scenario you spend a week of your life feeling mildly frustrated and distracted. All-time example scenario yous brand more money, relish greater focus, go bigger muscles, your erections grow, you feel more grounded in your masculinity, and you have women approaching you in the street considering "in that location's just something nigh you lot."

Try your manus at this, and come across what comes from the experiment.

You, your partner, and your sex life will thank you lot.

Ps. If yous enjoyed this article, you'll besides honey reading…

– 7 Exercises To Increment Sexual Stamina

– How To Cultivate Lite And Nighttime Sexual Energy

– The Best Sex activity Toy For Men, Ever


Source: https://www.jordangrayconsulting.com/harness-sexual-energy-greater-clarity-contentment/

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